3 years no print with Linux

Mark Roach mrroach at okmaybe.com
Wed Apr 27 17:07:44 UTC 2005

Daniel Robitaille wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-27-04 at 15:46 +0100, Jon Dixon wrote:
>>On 4/27/05, Lindsay <judenlinz at orcon.net.nz> wrote:
>>>I know the problem Winton.   None of my printers are even listed and I
>>>revert to Windows for that function as well.
>>I am in my early 30s, but please tell me... what are dot-matrix printers? ;)
> kids... :)

25 yr old responding here: dot matrix printers are the ones that make a 
loud buzzsaw type of noise each time the print head moves back and 
forth. They print by striking a small pin against an ink ribbon. The 
more pins you have, the higher the print resolution. They are still used 
quite a bit for receipt printing.

And since we're getting all low-tech, I remember the daisy-wheel printer 
I used with my dad's osbourne portable computer. That thing was cool :)


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