Prelinknig to speed loading of Linux OO.o

David Teague teague at
Wed Apr 27 14:40:45 UTC 2005

I have not had time to look up the code for preloading
Linux dynamic libraries. As I recall, it isn't hard code to
write, a system call or two, but I do not recall any more
detail. The book tends to be Red Hat specific where that
is appropriate, but my tests of the code during my review
of the book were on Debian 2.2, as I recall. The code
worked. I will continue to look for the book.

Re Prelinking

"david" warns

Pre-link causes problems with cedega leading to "Error 21" messages. (In
case anyone thinks to try prelink out).

PaulCooke says:

Prelinking your executables also gives a dramatic speedup in their loading
the OS no longer has to work out how to load in the application and all it's
dependant libraries as the donkey work has already been done.

This is what I do now after every update:

sudo prelink -amvR

It takes a long time for the first run and if the update has been a deep one
affecting many other programs, but most of the time, it only takes a couple
of minutes.

Mark Rosenstand says

it is also possible to do the same for OOo, there is a separate command
('oooprelink' of all things) to run as normal prelinking doesn't work for

Adam Membrey says
If you want to speed up the startup time of OO.o, prelink it
sudo apt-get install prelink
sudo oooprelink -f

he says further

Man page for prelink

Man page for oooprelink (very short)

David Teague,
Advocating Free Software and Double Bass tuned in fifths;;  For information on Red  Mitchell,;

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