Sound card test?

James Wilkinson ubuntu at
Wed Apr 27 12:06:20 UTC 2005

Brian Astill wrote:
> But the CD still doesn't work.  :-(  That _could_ be something simple like a 
> loose connection between the CDROM and sound card.  Short of taking the case 
> off _again_ is there a simple way to check?

Not that I know of.

It's a Dell, isn't it? I understand that many recent models physically
don't have the cable between the CDROM and the sound card. Windows will
effectively rip the sound data off the CD and send it via the PCI bus
(or whatever) to the sound card.

Under Linux, you can get xmms to do the same thing: my "sent items"
mailbox brings up this link...

Hope this helps,


E-mail address: james | Strangely enough, this last one is interrupted by  | twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.
                      |     -- The megahal program, trained on my quote file.

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