posts from web-forum
Ari Torhamo
ari.torhamo at
Wed Apr 27 10:54:02 UTC 2005
ti, 2005-04-26 kello 12:19 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez kirjoitti:
> Also, I find that having double carriage returns, every now and then,
> does a loooot less harm than these countless posts that quote literally
> several pages of irrelevant text and add only one line (or just one word
> sometimes...) of comment. Not only does it wastes BW and server space,
> but the real problem is for people who chose to receive daily digest. It
> renders such digests simply un-readable/useable.
> Maybe we should have a feature in the list server, that would reject a
> new mail, if the "new text versus comment text" ratio is under 20% or
> so. Anything below this would be considered as abuse and rejected/not
> posted. Well, just an idea... ;-)
Do you mean something like this? (Sorry Vince, but I just couldn't
resest ;-) - I agree with your statement)
su, 2005-04-24 kello 11:32 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez kirjoitti:
> I agree 200%
> --
> Vince
> > On 4/24/05, Tom Adelstein <adelste at> wrote:
> > >
> > > I just accidentally saw the contents of this post and I could not
> > > believe what I saw.
> > >
> > > I've been testing desktops for over two years and one half years now and
> > > to say that Microsoft Windows runs faster than Linux one the same
> > > configurations is just wrong.
> > >
> > > If in fact you are experiencing such an aberrant behavior, then you know
> > > how to tune Windows and don't know how to configure Linux.
> > >
> > > Otherwise, this thread is a Microsoft disinformation effort. Either way,
> > > it's despicable. If you don't know enough about Linux to tune up Open
> > > Office, then you need to do you homework.
> > >
> > > Also, if you're running lots of services -- as in server mode -- compare
> > > the performance of Linux to Windows 2000 server running the same number
> > > of services.
> > >
> > > No way Windows on a comparable platform outperforms Linux. I've proven
> > > it hundreds of times.
> > >
> >
> > OK. I'm out. I hesitated about asking this question straightforwardly
> > because I've observed that asking mildly critical-sounding questions
> > in linux forums almost always generates torrents of abuse. Admittedly,
> > in this case everyone except you has been constructive, but your
> > revolting post is enough. I'm unsubscribing right away because I'm
> > just sick of this kind of crap that makes open, honest,
> > straightforward communication about technology (technology! not war or
> > rape or starvation!) just impossible.
> >
> > You call someone *despicable* because they ask a question that doesn't
> > match your experiences/prejudices. What fucking world have you
> > experienced -- anything at all beyond porn and computers? "Despicable"
> > can appropriately be said of child-abusers, not people who ask
> > questions about a piece of technology you favour.
> >
> > Specifically, factually, really, I was referring to *untuned* fresh
> > installs on both Ubuntu and Win 2003 Server. Stock installs with
> > minimal services running. All I did on both was install a couple of
> > apps (and SP1 on the Win partition). I'm not even making any general
> > statements about the performance of Linux "vs" (your kind of term, I
> > guess) Windows (you'd know it by Windoze or Winblows, no doubt); this
> > was just a comment on desktop responsiveness. Or am I lying? A
> > Microsoft stoolie? What? Why?
> >
> > Before finishing with you, let me tell you two small things.
> >
> > One. I have been diligently installing Ubuntu on friends' computers
> > now for the past year, because I like it and like it's underlying
> > ethics, and believe these friends should get off the Microsoft
> > monopoly bandwagon if they can. In many cases I've had to work hard to
> > persuade these friends to try linux again, because they've been burned
> > by trying it, having problems, and then asking questions in forums and
> > mailing lists. There they meet you and your clones, get abused, have
> > no source of help, so reinstall Windows. You and people like you are
> > driving ordinary users away.
> >
> > Two. My main reason for seriously making attempts to migrate all my
> > computer-based work away from Microsoft's OS's is this. I worked in a
> > heavily MS-based business, consisting mainly of a very large WinNT &
> > Win2k server centre (3000+ servers). I observed time and again how MS
> > uses its power to distort and corrupt the IT business. The final straw
> > for me was when I witnessed them bribe the company I worked in to keep
> > quiet about a security problem we found. This was a very serious
> > issue, exposing tens of thousands of private customer records on
> > competitors' servers to easy access across the net. MS persuaded this
> > company not to pull a product that was based on the vulnerable
> > technology, and stopped us from warning competitors that their
> > information was exposed. I felt dirty working there, blew the whistle
> > anonymously (though, interestingly, the press wasn't interested), and
> > quit. The point is that I have no reason to favour Microsoft, would
> > never do any form of business with them, and don't need to be told by
> > some grossly ignorant prejudiced juvenile that a question I ask in
> > good faith derives from some 'Microsoft disinformation effort'. Fuck
> > you.
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