kdelibs-data won't upgrade?

Steve Haines haines at ita.com.py
Tue Apr 26 12:59:22 UTC 2005

From: Sean Ryan <sryan at iel.ie>

This has been reported at

Personally I resolved this using :

dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%

KDE 3.4 has been working fine ever since.

But check the above link for discussion on the best approach.

This has also been reported as an upstream debian bug.  See
http://lists.debian.org/debian-qt-kde/2004/12/msg00201.html for details


Thanks, Sean. The dpkg -i --force-overwrite command worked fine, just 
like it did for you. Thanks for the info on the thread on the forum. 
Apologies to all for my message not being in the form of a proper 
reply-to . . . I get the digest version for ISP concerns, and it doesn't 
allow a simple "reply-to".

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