XGI graphics cards

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Mon Apr 25 19:38:43 UTC 2005

> Actually there is more than that:
> XGI (IIRC) released their (full) drivers for their graphic cards for
> Linux.

Sounds good. I shall support them and buy one of their card then. I will
wait a year or so, though, the time for the community to either
improve/debug the official driver and/or develop  their own driver.

> Unfortunately I have no idea how good they are at 3D game performance :)

Looking a their website, looks like they are competing in the same arena
as ATI and Nvidia. Even if they are say 10% slower (I don't know), it
will still probably be many times faster than my current on-board
GeForce2 MX 32MB, so that's fine by me :o)
As long as they have a model that costs 100 Euros max, and doesn't need
a cooling fan (I value silence more than performance...), I will gladly
buy from them and support their attitude towards the Linux community.
The problem is that, as of now, I can't see ANY card from XGI, available
in French on-line computer shops... :-/


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