Win progs fall over Was: Re: Performance shock (BS)

Tom Adelstein adelste at
Mon Apr 25 15:30:39 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 10:23 -0400, A1ex wrote:
> >
> >No way Windows on a comparable platform outperforms Linux. I've proven
> >it hundreds of times. 
> >
> >Adelstein
> >
> >
> >  
> >
> How do you prove such an allegation?    I want to prove to some 
> unbelievers that Linux outperforms
> Windows.
> alex

I use a number of techniques to tune and optimize the Linux desktop. It
takes about 45 minutes. I should write a "howto" and will eventually.

Then I have a list of demonstration points. I put two identical
"desktops" next to each other and boot up both machines. One thing that
usually gets people's attention has to do with the emergence of the MS
desktop while it's still loading programs. When I point that out, people
feel "tricked" by the other OS. I suggest they open IE when the desktop
appears and of course, it doesn't load for a long time. I also enable
the login window for MS and that will also puts both platforms on a
level playing field.

One of the other issues involves vs office. If you enable
OOo's quick start and change the memory management, it gets very fast.

You might also consider that most of Big DOS's speed up tricks degrade
quickly. So, you can demonstrate machines that have run over a period of
time. Linux will usually run at or near the same speed as the day you
first booted. The other OS will slow down.

I've also seen some white box machines at Fry's and MicroCenter
demonstrated. They both use Linspire - but I think this would work on
Ubuntu. Run Linux and Windows XP on 256 megs of RAM or even 128 and
watch the difference. When the sales people at the stores aren't trying
to bait and switch to XP(depending on the number of pre-loaded Linux
boxes they have) they can sell a budget conscious buyer on how fast
Linux runs. That sells people every time if they have a tight budget.

It's just a matter of how you prepare your presentation.

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