Win progs fall over Was: Re: Performance shock (BS)

David Teague teague at
Mon Apr 25 13:38:56 UTC 2005

Ari Torhamo wrote

Re: Win progs fall over Was: Re: Performance shock (BS)

> Seagate has moved to 5 year warranty at least with some of their
> products. You might want to check this before you buy.


A story about drive warranty. IBM had a super reputation 
for having long lived drives, so I bought two for my new 

These drives came with a 5 year warranty. When I had two 
(60 GB) drives fail one after another, I found that IBM had 
announced that they had unilaterally abrogated warranties 
on drives over a year old, reducing all other warranties to 1 
year from date of manufacture, not even date of purchase. 

This increased the effective price of the drive by about a 
factor of 1.5, given the propensity of that particular drive to 
fail. Annoying at the least. I hope Seagate does better than 
IBM did.

David Teague
Sometimes I wonder whether the world is 
being run by smart people who are putting
us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.
                                           --Mark Twain
Naaah -- It's the imbeciles. -- Me

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