how to create /dev/vbi

Jose Manuel Velasco Martinez amimusa at
Mon Apr 25 12:44:57 UTC 2005

Hello, i'm more than newbie about tv in linux.
I want to search the channels for use with xawtv.
I run scantv and i get this...

manou at hada:~$ scantv -a

please select your TV norm
   0: PAL
   1: NTSC
   2: SECAM
   3: PAL-Nc
   4: PAL-M
   5: PAL-N
   6: NTSC-JP
   7: PAL-60
nr ? 0

please select a frequency table
   0: us-bcast
   1: us-cable
   2: us-cable-hrc
   3: japan-bcast
   4: japan-cable
   5: europe-west
   6: europe-east
   7: italy
   8: newzealand
   9: australia
  10: ireland
  11: france
  12: china-bcast
  13: southafrica
  14: argentina
  15: australia-optus
  16: russia
nr ? 5
freqtab = europe-west

input = Television
norm = PAL

vbi: open failed [/dev/vbi]
open /dev/vbi: No such file or directory
manou at hada:~$

Can anybody help me to fix this please ?

Thanks in advance.

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