Performance shock (oops follow-up)

david nux at
Sun Apr 24 07:11:00 UTC 2005

On Sun, 2005-04-24 at 13:30 +1000, Peter Garrett wrote:
> On Sun, 24 Apr 2005 12:38:02 +1000
> Peter Garrett <peter.garrett at> wrote:
> > As for Firefox, while it's true it starts more slowly on first launch, I
> > haven't noticed any lack of speed subsequently. It might also be worth
> > remembering that the way RAM use shows in Linux is different - a lot of
> > memory use is actually cache etc...
> Sorry, just re-read CB's original post, in which he refers to *cpu* and not *ram* - my mistake. 
> I haven't noticed Firefox hogging cpu though - even with 20-30 tabs open...
> Apologies for the reply to my own post.
> Peter

Surely the biggest thing you're missing is that once Windows has been on
a drive for a few weeks and you've installed a few things that speed
starts to slow down dramatically.
Linux has a consistent speed/behaviour whereas Windows just gets more
and more fat and bloated and slow as the registry fills up with crap and
the browser cache begins to slow surfing down.

For OpenOffice go to Tools > Options and Memory and set the amount of
Memory allocated to OO to a higher value - I set mine to 128MB in total
with 6MB per object and OO flies along.


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