KDE Games on GNOME

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Sat Apr 23 23:07:33 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-23-04 at 18:44 -0400, Matthew S-H wrote:
> Just a question.
> Since KDE games work perfectly fine in GNOME once KDE is installed, why 
> do they depend on KDE?

they still depend on libraries from KDE to work on.  So they would still
need a whole series of KDE packages to run inside Gnome, even if kde
isn't actually "installed".

> Wouldn't it make more sense to allow them to be downloaded directly 
> into GNOME?
> Also, most applications seem to work fine too.  So why not use some of 
> the many applications that are bundled with KDE (some of which are 
> quite powerful and useful) with GNOME?

Some people want a Gnome-only machine, some people want a KDE-only
machine, and some people don't mind mixing both up.   Obviously you are
free to do the later with a few mouse clicks from synaptic;

But by default you start with the 1st or 2nd option which give you
smaller installations.  

Daniel Robitaille
 GPG: http://robitaille.fastmail.fm/pubkey.asc (0x5C19F466)
 IM Jabber: robitaille at jabber.org
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