Ubuntu filename encoding - UTF8?

Joaquim Nobre jnobre at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 20:39:00 UTC 2005

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I'm having the same problem, but with portuguese characters (I'm
brazilian) like ç and "special" vowels. I'm also running Hoary.

Gábor Iglói wrote:
> Hello!
> How does Ubuntu handle characters in filenames? Does it use UTF-8?
> I'm Hungarian so I use the Hungarian localised Ubuntu. I have some
> problems with filenames containing áé?ú?óüöí "special" (don't know
> what they are called in Engish) characters. My filesystems are vfat
> (communicating with an English Windows XP) and an ext3. I have some
> files/folders containing "special" characters and Nautilus calles them
> for example "n?vtelen mappa (invalid encoding)" (should be "névtelen
> mappa" meaning New Folder in Hungarian). But if I create a NEW New
> Folder it is called as it should be "névtelen mappa". So my old files
> or files created with XP display incorrectly but files/folders created
> by Ubuntu are correct. Also, with another Linux distribution I need to
> mount my vfat with -o iocharset=iso8859-2 option to handle my
> "special" characters correctly. But this doesn't work with Ubuntu
> ("special" characters won't display correctly on old files).
> My distrib is Hoary Hedgehog BTW.
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