KDE vs. Gnome (Questions, not a Troll)

Jan Morén jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
Fri Apr 22 16:16:14 UTC 2005

fre 2005-04-22 klockan 11:51 -0400 skrev Ed Sutherland:
> If I'm reading between the lines correctly, you suggest by changing my 
> KDE sound to ALSA (where is this found on KDE?) my audio cds should 
> play? Also, I do like a clean desktop, but I didn't see an easier way to 
> move a file from the desktop to my home directory. If there was a "Move 
> to..." command that included a directory, that would be a better 
> solution, also, (Is there a way of adding new destinations to the "Move 
> to..." context-menu?) Thanks.

No answer to the general question, but as for moving stuff between the
desktop and your home directory, you could open your home directory from
the panel-places->Home and then just drag stuff between that window and
the desktop?

Trust the Computer. The Computer is your friend.
Tel. (Japan) 090-3622 8920            Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
                                      Dept. of Cognitive Science
http://lucs.lu.se/people/jan.moren    Lund, Sweden

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