another XFCE question

Martin Franklin mfranklin1 at
Fri Apr 22 13:41:33 UTC 2005

sara vasquez wrote:
> ok so I read the manual, but I can't figure out how to see my removable 
> devices like my USB flsh drive or even my CD-rom. whne I was in gnome 
> and KDE they would appear in the dsktop, but now I va no idea where they 
> are.
> thanks for you replies

XFCE while being a great WM does not do desktop icons *yet however it 
does have a utility called Xfce fstab mount manager that will show you
your removable devices, on my system it's in the Accessories menu

Or you could use nautilus (from GNOME) to draw your desktop.. but thats 
another story :)


* it may never do them AFAIK

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