Hoary Startup & X Server Failure

Peter Hillier-Brook phb at hbsys.plus.com
Thu Apr 21 18:14:52 UTC 2005

gekigangar3! wrote:
> Do you have your xorg.conf file and can we see it? I'm having a similar
> problem as well, but I don't have the same hardware as you. Have you
> downloaded ATIs linux drivers?
Thanks for the quick response. I don't have either presently, but you 
have pointed me at a useful file! As I'm using the "Live" version until 
I'm satisfied that the "Install" will be a worthwhile investment in 
time, I haven't yet figured out how to extract diagnostic files, but 
when I do I will make them/it available to the list. Perhaps I can dump 
them to a USB key disc from Hoary and then upload from my current 
Windows system.

Anyway, thanks for the help.

Peter HB

PS  Given that the Warty live version runs without any problems, I 
thought some development interest might be generated in the apparent 

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