hoary-dvd-amd64.iso CORRUPT - http ERROR 416

gerhard ggrubbish at web.de
Mon Apr 18 23:16:24 UTC 2005

Am Freitag 15 April 2005 21:38 schrieb Matt Galvin:
> OK, many apps cannot handle files over 2GB properly, this includes
> older versions of wget, firefox(current on win and linux), and
> others... they show negative bit counts as you have seen or just
> don't work at all.
> [...]
> If you MUST download the iso in windows, use Filezilla:
> http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/
> It should be able to handle the 2GB+ files properly.
> Hope this helps,
> Matt
>>[...TOFU deleted]

Hello Matt,

I think that was the reason I couldn't download the iso. Now, with 
filezilla and gsplit (to burn the dvd image on 4 cd's) I managed to 
burn a dvd to get a full horay distribution!

thank you for the input!

kind regards


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