nVidia binary driver problem

Nikolay Mitev nikolaymitev at gmx.net
Wed Apr 20 07:18:39 UTC 2005

Hi. I'm having problems with the nVidia binary drivers. I'm running 
kernel 2.6.10-5-amd64-k8 with the appropriate restricted modules, and I 
get system lock-ups very often. The mouse is ususally moving, but 
everything else is frozen. The nvidia kernel module is giving me a 
warning about problems with this kernel version. Might this be the 
problem? What do you suggest I do? I'm running on an Asus amd64 laptop 
with an nVidia GeForce FX Go 5650.
Any suggestions?
Hmmm, I just realized that the lock-ups happen when I use the touchpad, 
and if I don't touch it everything works properly. Could it be an IRQ issue?

Attached is my lspci output.


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