[off topic] Linux on laptop and all FLOSS?
Lawrence MacIntyre
macintyrelp at ornl.gov
Tue Apr 19 18:51:15 UTC 2005
Check out http://www.rayservers.com They sell laptops with linux
already configured (It's Gentoo, though). I bought one with no OS and
installed Ubuntu on it. So far, everything seems to work except for
hibernate. I haven't had time to mess with that yet. Also, there is
http://www.emperorlinux.com They will install several different
linuxes, Ubuntu among them.
On Fri, 2005-04-15 at 00:22 +0200, Magnus Therning wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 05, 2005 at 02:50:42PM +0100, Thomas Beckett wrote:
> >On Apr 4, 2005 3:25 PM, Magnus Therning <magnus at therning.org> wrote:
> >> I am planning on buying a laptop, I wouldn't rule out dual booting
> >> Windows but my main OS will be Ubuntu GNU/Linux.
> >>
> >> After hours of googling I am left wondering:
> >>
> >> Is there a single laptop vendor that supports Linux?
> >>
> >> Mostly it seems to be open source device drivers in the following areas
> >> that are missing:
> >>
> >> power saving
> >> modem (linmodem seems to fill the gap somewhat)
> >> wlan (ndiswrapper seems evil, and I'd like to avoid it)
> >>
> >> Have I missed any Linux-friendly laptop brand?
> >
> >One thing to suggest - rather than the pros and cons of each system.
> >Why not simply burn the Hoary Live CD as it uses exactly the same
> >hardware detection as Hoary install. Then go down to your local
> >retailer and tell them you want to play around with a few models and
> >see if they will mind you running the liveCD.
> That is a great idea. The only thing is that more and more computer
> manufacturers are running web-only sales. That means I wouldn't be able
> to check out any Dells. Also, many of the cheaper systems (e.g.
> tiny.com) are out of the question then :(
> /M
> --
> Magnus Therning (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
> magnus at therning.org
> http://magnus.therning.org/
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Lawrence MacIntyre 865.574.8696 macintyrelp at ornl.gov
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Cyber Security and Information Infrastructure Research Group
AKO: lawrence.macintyre at us.army.mil
SIPRNet: macintyrelp at ornl.doe.sgov.gov
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