Gnome or KDE?

mbuel76 ulist at
Tue Apr 19 13:12:07 UTC 2005

thane Wrote: 
> Another option not mentioned yet would be for you to try the Knoppix or
> even the Kanotix live cds. They have a lot more kde applications for
> you to try out than either Mepis or the default installation of
> Kubuntu. Plus they could be useful by themselves at some point in the
> future as well, e.g., disk tools.


> To put another spin on this discussion, while I generally prefer kde, I
> find myself installing the kde applications, and then using the gnome
> desktop so that I can also use my favorite kde apps when I want to
> without losing the beaty of gnome (Have my cake and eat it too).  :)

the community for either of those isn't NEARLY as cool as the ubuntu
community. \\:D/


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