Kubuntu experience

Pierfrancesco Caci pf at tippete.net
Mon Apr 18 17:12:20 UTC 2005

:-> "Brian" == Brian Astill <bastill at adam.com.au> writes:

    > I am preparing this message on warty, which I have changed by 
    > downloading KDE, which is my default operating environment.  My 
    > personal password would not work in kde apps (eg kpackage) so I created 
    > a root password and have no further trouble.

    > Kubuntu will not respond sensibly.  I can set up a root password OK. 
    > Kynaptic will not respond to EITHER password - mine or root's.  
    > Aptitude recognises MY password but not root's.  Root Konsole 
    > recognises root's password but not mine (which is at least, as it 
    > should be).  ie this sudo nonsense - rather than the standard root plus 
    > personal account - has caused me grief.  WHY not leave well enough 
    > alone, Mr Kubuntu?

ok, you have now given a better description of your problems than you
did in your original message. 

I can tell that sudo is perfectly integrated in ubuntu (the standard
one, the one using gnome), so if you're experiencing problems with the
kde flavour, it's probably more due a bug report than a rant :-)
kubuntu is young and probably not so well tested, so far, as the gnome



 Pierfrancesco Caci | ik5pvx | mailto:p.caci at tin.it  -  http://gusp.dyndns.org
  Firenze - Italia  | Office for the Complication of Otherwise Simple Affairs 
     Linux penny 2.6.10-ac2 #1 Sat Jan 1 20:35:39 CET 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

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