Kubuntu experience

Jim Cheetham jim at egressive.com
Mon Apr 18 10:11:29 UTC 2005

On Apr 18, 2005, at 9:06 PM, Brian Astill wrote:
> I repeat my statement and question "this sudo nonsense - rather than 
> the
> standard root plus personal account - has caused me grief.  WHY not
> leave well enough alone, Mr Kubuntu?"
So that the target-audience "new user" only has one password to 
remember, their own? You are obviously well enough aware of the inner 
workings of unix to want to maintain your own root access, which you 
have the ability to do. But using sudo means that there is one less 
machine-critical piece of obscure information that a (possibly 
confused) user has to remember - or forget.

I presume you've read the wiki entry on this? 
It isn't perfect, but then again actually having a root password isn't 


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