Grub problem after hibernate

Tomas Krag tt at
Mon Apr 18 08:22:50 UTC 2005

On Fri, 15 Apr 2005 16:48:40 -0400, gogodidi wrote:

> You could mount the partitions by defining it (I use /mnt, but ou can
> wount them /wherever) the fstab file.

rereading my mail, I  realize I wasn't very precise in part of my
description. I actually don't really care about the data on my windows
partition, I just really need to get a grub menu back, and that has me
stumped, especially because I do get a quick text line that indicates that
grub is loading, but then it just pops straight into booting ubuntu (which
is grubs default and first option, but not on the first bootable partition. 

So by my reconing, grub is loading, just not displaying a menu

Hope someone can help


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