Kubuntu experience

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Mon Apr 18 07:39:30 UTC 2005

On ma, 2005-04-18 at 16:52 +0930, Brian Astill wrote:
> The problem with sudo privilege is that you are always effectively 
> running as root - all anyone has to do is type "sudo" before any 
> command they wish to use - even "sudo rm -fR /* - to do whatever they 
> wish with your system.  NOT secure.

Nonsense, you still need to have the privilege to use sudo and type in
your password...

Whether you type sudo rm -rf / or su and then rm -rf / doesn't matter.
In fact, the sudo system is even more secure in a massive multi-user
environment, where some people can do more than others (things that
require root privileges) but not everything. Sudo allows fine-grained
access control.
Dennis K.
 <- Are you suicidal?
 -> Only in the morning.
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