ubuntu on small systems

audriusb at homelan.lt audriusb at homelan.lt
Mon Apr 18 06:37:35 UTC 2005

Quoting baza <baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk>:

You installed X-window server, not client and your computer is ready to work as
X-window terminal (you can to attach your computer another one, accessible by
LAN or WAN, and perform remote computing).
You need to install x-window package if you want to get standalone workstation.

Gediminas Bukauskas

> Hi, I've installed Warty on a small PII with the aim of using it as a
> server. I did a custom install, then added, slocate, xfce4, xfwm
> server-xfree86. After a reboot when I type startx i get the
> error,'startx unknown command'. Why wont the xserver start?
> Baza
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