[Warty] Running Windows in Linux - Linz

Troy Williams troywill1 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 03:37:50 UTC 2005

Lindsay wrote:

>On Sat, 2005-04-16 at 21:54 -0500, Troy Williams wrote:
>>Lindsay wrote:
>>>I am using Ubuntu Warty.  I have tried to run some MS Windows programs
>>>through Wine but with no success. (Wine didn't fully instal I think may
>>>have been the problem).
>>>There is another Linux utility that I can try.   What is it called
>>You could try Crossover Office (www.codeweavers.com).  Or Win4Lin or 
>>VMWare if you are into full-blown emulators.
>Thanks.  I am downloading CrossOver Office but couldn't find anywhere on
>VMWare site to do so.  It was their product I have read more about, but
>will see if I can use CrossOver Office (trial version).  I may need help
>with installing.
Pretty sure VMWare has a 30-day trial license.  Try this: 
www.vmware.com/download/workstation.html and for VMWare tools: 


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