Ubuntu release codenames links ?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 20:57:41 UTC 2005

>   Debian provides three "virtual" releases, namely stable, testing and
> unstable. Those refer to actual releases, like woody and sarge.
>   Does Ubuntu provide the same facility ?
>   Like stable -> hoary
>        unstable -> breezy


And in the Ubuntu world, I don't think it would make sense.  Right now
Ubuntu provides 2 stable releases:  Warty (for the next 12 months),
and Hoary (for the next 18 months).  And in 6 months, they will have 3
stables supported releases (warty, hoary, breezy), with the
yet-unnamed next version being the "unstable" version.

So  a "debian-style" system of stable/instable/testing is not directly

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