Please help, I'm out of options (GLX errors)

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Sat Apr 16 13:07:07 UTC 2005

Am Samstag, den 16.04.2005, 20:55 +0800 schrieb Senectus .:
> > I know you've already posted on this but I didn't follow the thread so
> > apologies if this is an already tried suggestion.
> > Have you tried the drivers from nvidia (both the 7174 or the 7176
> > builds)?
you shouldnt do that, its absolutely no fun to have to recompile on
every security update...

> Is there a set of instruction on how to install them properly in
> Ubuntu..

follow these instructions and you are set... the nvidia drivers in the
ubuntu package are for one well tested and get automatically updated
with your kernel if you get security updates.

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