[Hoary] Laser Printer

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Fri Apr 15 22:39:48 UTC 2005

"Only" Ethernet, serial and // ?! You are very critical... my Laserjet
6P doesn't even have Ethernet, just Appletalk and x2 // ports, and one
IR.  What other ports would you want it to have exactly ??

> I only have one NIC and it's connected to the cable modem. 

Huuuu.... easy and stupid answer.... do you have an empty PCI slot ?
Generic 8139 Ethernet cards cost half a peanut...
But why don't you just use the parallel interface ?
I connected mine this way (IR not being suited to Dekstops of course,
and not having a Mac so the Appletalk serial interface not very useful
either...). Ubuntu (Warty and Hoary), detect it perfectly. You will have
to add the printer manually of course, but it's auto-detected properly,
so installing it is just 2 mouse clicks away. :-)


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