easy, centralized backups?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 14:53:13 UTC 2005

On 4/15/05, David Feldman <mailing-lists at interfacethis.com> wrote:
> I have a small home office network composed of several OSes. My primary
> machine is a Mac, and I do backups via Retrospect to DVD. I recently
> converted my girlfriend's Dell to a dual-boot Ubuntu/Win configuration,
> and am trying to do as much from Ubuntu as possible. In the past I've
> backed it up by running the Retrospect client on it and backing up from
> the Mac. Retrospect does have a Linux client but only for Red Hat. So,
> I'm looking for suggestions regarding the best way to back up from
> Ubuntu that integrates into my existing system. I can think of a few
> options, but don't know if there's something better:
> (1) Use a separate Linux backup tool to back up to an archive or set of
> archives on the Mac or a shared machine. Then back up the archive via
> Retrospect. Relatively easy, but may eliminate the possibility of
> incremental backups since I'm not sure Retrospect does differential
> backups of individual files.

personally for my backups mondoarchive (in universe) for my
Ubuntu/Windows dial boot machine.   I have a problem with writing the
backups to CDRW directly from within Mondoarchive, but I go around
that problem by writing  them to iso files which then I  manually save
to the CDs. (my install is small enough that a compressed full backup
can fit in 5 to 6 iso files of 650mb so that its still practical for
weekly backups).

So if I was to use that command in your setup, I would run
mondoarchive, do the backup of the ubuntu/windows machine to iso files
accessible from the Mac, and let the mac software deal with them while
doing its own backup.

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