ubuntu goes prime-time in US

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Fri Apr 15 03:04:42 UTC 2005

> With the fonts set at maximum smoothing and hinting in the GNOME Font
> Preferences dialog, the fonts are deifnitely not blurry for me.

Hmm, Gnome was apparently alread using these settings... could my
antique monitor be fully responsible for this residual blurryness ?
Well, I had already planned to replace it anyway, I guess I am that bit
more motivated to do so now, ASAP...

> Try running "dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig" and then setting the hinting and smoothing to maximum in
> GNOME after restarting X or the whole computer.

Ohhh nooo.... I shouldn' thave tired this... now the fonts look real
bold, like they used to in Mandrake 9.2, and I can't seem to get them
back to waht they were initially :-/

Where is the config file that "fontconfig" creates ? Could someone
please send me a copy of this file, so I can restore the original
settings ?? :o(

Vince, who really needs to invest in a good monitor...

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