iBook G3 800 Mhz doesn't sleep

Claudio Dalla Vecchia claudio.dalla-vecchia at durham.ac.uk
Thu Apr 14 18:04:15 UTC 2005

Hi all

I've just installed the last Ubuntu release. I think it is great (much 
better then YD4 that I've been using lately). I've found out many has got 
problems awakening the laptop, and read about the solution.

My problem is slightly different: I can't put the iBook in sleep mode. 
When I close the lead the laptop keeps working. I've tried to install pmud 
but nothing works.

Could anyone just tell me what I need installed, so that I can check I 
haven't messed up anything?


Claudio Dalla Vecchia        e-mail: claudio.dalla-vecchia at durham.ac.uk
Institute for Computational     web: http://star-www.dur.ac.uk/~caius/
Cosmology, South Road           tel: +44 (0)191 33 43787     linux user
Durham DH1 3LE - UK             fax: +44 (0)191 33 43645        #275369
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