messed up Hoary

c m cmorgan047 at
Thu Apr 14 12:17:39 UTC 2005

Could try using an ubuntu live CD to boot with .
(I have a knoppix one but the idea is the same)
in rescue mode you tell it what partition you normally
use as / (root)


after booting 
then you can reset your kernel and boot loader as you
need them.

reboot and test.(without CD in drive)

if it were me then I have a backup copy of my kernel
in the
/home/user/build/kernel/ subdirectory
because I always compile my own kernel.

There are prebuilt kernel-image packages you can
with apt-get install

good luck

--- Frank McCormick <fmccormick at> wrote:
> My new Hoary installation is messed up - I had a few
> too many kernels lying
> around so I deleted a guessed it. How do I
> repkace the kernel on my
> system when it won't boot properly anymore, even in
> recovery mode. Is the 2.6.10
> kernel download-able via browser anywhere ?
> -- 
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