Proxy config

Olafur Arason olafra at
Thu Apr 14 01:35:36 UTC 2005

no_proxy is to exclude pages.
You can add this to .bashrc
if [ "`gconftool-2 -g /system/http_proxy/use_http_proxy`" == "true" ];then
export http_proxy=http://`gconftool-2 -g
/system/http_proxy/host`:`gconftool-2 -g
/system/http_proxy/port`;temp=`gconftool-2 -g
/system/http_proxy/ignore_hosts`;export no_proxy=${temp:1:`expr length
$temp - 2`};else export http_proxy="";export no_proxy="";fi

Olafur Arason

On 4/8/05, Richard Barry <rbarry at> wrote:
> Is there any way to use "export http_proxy" and specify a range of addresses
> to not use the proxy for (like the "No Proxy for" field in Firefox)?  I'm
> behind a firewall and all network apps have to go through the proxy for IPs
> outside our network, but not for IPs inside the network (we pay for going
> through the proxy).  I can set Firefox up like that, but how do I do it for
> other network apps (like apt) where "export
> http_proxy=http://username:password@host:port" would usually work?
> Richard
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