Breezy : when to start, and "devel" list

crimsun at crimsun at
Thu Apr 14 00:10:25 UTC 2005

On Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 02:00:01AM +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> bugs.  In the meantime, I guess it's 200% pointless to report bugs.

No, it's never the wrong time to report bugs. Bugs in main go to
bugzilla.u.c. Bugs in universe and multiverse go to Malone, .

> So, will there be an official announcement on this list, to tell us when
> the it is actually useful to the devs that we start reporting bugs and
> suggest features/improvmeents/mods etc ?

Discussion has already started on both the -devel and -kernel lists.
The opening was last night.

You may wish to subscribe to ubuntu-devel.

> Basically, I am trying to figure out how soon I can start testing
> breezy, while still being helpful, that is, not reporting silly bugs
> that will be irrelevant 2 hours later due to some constant changes in
> the base code.

Now is as good a time as any.

> developpers, or is it also the place for testers to discuss bugs with
> the devs, and generally, the place for testers and devs to interact/work
> together ??

It's very definitely development-oriented, but testing reports obviously
related to development are welcome. Interaction is encouraged. See also
the irc channel of the same name.


Daniel T. Chen          crimsun at
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