Hoary upgrade: no network connection

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Apr 13 17:15:58 UTC 2005

Christoph Bier wrote:
> Carl Karsten schrieb:
>>Next guess - your problem has nothing to do with the upgrade, but 
>>another box on the LAN has the same IP, or maybe MAC.
> Wouldn't this have become already a problem before the upgrade,
> too!? 

Right, but often enough the problem has nothing to do with what you 
think it does.

But no: not the same IP or MAC.
>>You said you can't ping the gateway during the "blackout" - can you ping 
>>it now? (just to be sure your admin hasn't done something dumb.)
> No, I can't. Unfortunately there's no real admin but me =).

Um, is now a blackout, or can you never ping it?  Um, let me rephrase: 
can you ever ping the gateway, both from fee and lotus?

>>During the "blackout", can you ping localhost?
> Yes.

at least something is working ;)

>>During the "blackout", can you ping another box that is up, and can it 
>>ping you?
> Who is 'me' for you ;-)? Just to make it clear: the blackout-machine
> is called fee, the one I'm sitting in front of is called lotus. I
> can't ping fee from lotus and vice versa.

In one session (xterm or VT): # ping gatewayIP
once that gets going - although it is failing,
# watch -ds ifconfig

What do the RX and TX lines do?  (change or stay the same)

Might want to "watch route n" too and see if something changes durring 
the OK/Blackout transition. and watch anything else that might be 
interesting ;)  Something is changing.

>>If No to either, is it posaible to isolate the 2 machines from the rest 
>>of the LAN, like with a crossover cable, unplug everything else from the 
>>hub/switch or plug the 2 into a spare hub? (what, everyone doesn't carry 
>>around a hub with them?)
> No, no crossover cable at hand.

What about unplugging everything else, including the gateway?

Might want to power cycle the hub to.  every few months one of mine goes 
wonky and doesn't let traffic go anywhere.


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