Hoary problems with XWindows

Rimas rmocius at auste.elnet.lt
Wed Apr 13 15:40:59 UTC 2005

I found why the Xwindows does not like to start
The system has no drivers for Nvidia Gforce 6600 PCI Express video card.
Also I get this message - PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 3 of device 0000:05:00.0.
It's realated to that video card too.

How I can solve the PCI resource problem?

In BIOS I have disabled all devices which ones I have no needs.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rimas 
  To: Ubuntu Help and User Discussions 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 9:57 AM
  Subject: Hoary problems with XWindows


  I have the AMD64 PC with Gforce 6600 PCI Express video card.
  And the latest Hoary Ubuntu/Kubuntu (x86_64, i386 Live or Install) does not like to work with that PC's video card.

  I see not the normal graphic view, but some doggy colour one columns.




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