Hoary upgrade: no network connection

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Wed Apr 13 14:32:25 UTC 2005

Next guess - your problem has nothing to do with the upgrade, but 
another box on the LAN has the same IP, or maybe MAC.

You said you can't ping the gateway during the "blackout" - can you ping 
it now? (just to be sure your admin hasn't done something dumb.)

During the "blackout", can you ping localhost?

If no, then stop, else

During the "blackout", can you ping another box that is up, and can it 
ping you?

If No to either, is it posaible to isolate the 2 machines from the rest 
of the LAN, like with a crossover cable, unplug everything else from the 
hub/switch or plug the 2 into a spare hub? (what, everyone doesn't carry 
around a hub with them?)

Carl K

ps, I am moving this to ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com, - CC me in your 
reply just to be sure

alx wrote:
> dhclient doesn't seem to run.
> In fact i don't really know: made a 'ps -ax | grep dhclient', nothing
> appeared, and the package doesn't exist in Synaptic too.
> I'm not under an ISP, it's an office network, and the admin told me
> nothing was changed on my domain, so I thing it's the new Ubuntu
> upgrade.  :neutral: 
> Internet is working for the moment, cross my finger not to shot to hard
> on my box at next disconnection  ;-) 
> Carl Karsten Wrote: 
>>alx wrote:
>>>Not working again, what's the hell with this?
>>Check to see if dhclient is running.  I know you don't want to be using
>>it, but maybe it is running even though you have a static config setup.
>>(I had this happen on a box that I switched from dhcp to static, but
>>forgot to kill dhclient.)
>>Carl K
>>ubuntu-devel mailing list
>>ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com

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