Oh Boy....

Keith Powell keith at keithg4jvx.force9.co.uk
Wed Apr 13 08:18:57 UTC 2005

david wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-04-13 at 08:10 +0300, audriusb at homelan.lt wrote:
>>there are no excellent or bad Linuxes
> I wouldn't be too sure about that.
> You ever use Mandrake 9.2 ? Dreadful!
> SuSE 9.0? Ugh!
> When I compare the experience I had with those two as compared to Ubuntu
> I feel quite happy in saying some distro's are great and other just
> suck.
> nux


With respect, I don't think your comparisons are very fair.

You are comparing the latest Ubuntu with versions of two other
distributions which are at least 18 months old.

Would it not have been fairer to have compared this distro with the
latest Mandrake and SUSE ones? I am in no way either boosting these two
distros or degrading Ubuntu, just feeling that the playing field is not
very level.

To mis-quote a well-known political saying, "Eighteen months is a long
time in Linux!"



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