World Domination?

albi at albi at
Wed Apr 13 01:53:44 UTC 2005

On Wed, 13 Apr 2005 03:25:20 +0200
Philippe Landau <lists at> wrote:

> > Surely you mean a world where everyone has a choice.
> > 
> > If you or Ubuntu ever threaten to become 'totally world dominant'
> > Then you will be the enemy and I shall do all I can to cut you back
> > to a reasonable size.
> > 
> > Sincerely
> > 
> > John Montgomery
> Good to hear you, John.
> They are playing with these words,
> making it look like it's all just jokes,
> but you just have to look at the power structure
> of Canonical/Ubuntu to know that they don't shell out
> 20 million dollars in 2 years just for a joke.

in my opinion the "world domination" remark from Linus years and years
ago was a joke (it is from a time where linux was not so popular at all)

but even in the theoretical event that ubuntu-linux would become the
most dominant OS on the planet you do still have a choice, because as
long as the source is really open, then people can fork their way out

this situation is not at all comparable with a world where basically one
closed source companies enforces/blackmailed/pushes/locks in consumers
into their products

i'm looking forward to a future where cooperation and exchange of
knowledge is a normal thing, and of course the freedom to choose which
open source software to use

but above all, let's not repeat Linus his words without realising the
meaning of it

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