cd ejection

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Tue Apr 12 19:18:02 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-04-12 at 19:11 +0100, Norman Silverstone wrote:
> There are 2 users on my machine my wife and myself. My wife had been
> using the computer earlier today and when she had finished I decided,
> for the first time, to change to my desktop using Applications-> System
> Tools-> New login. Some time later I came to eject a CD from the drive
> and could not do so although only about half an hour before I had been
> able to. The error message told me that only my wife could eject the CD.
> Therefore, I changed desktops, this time using System-> Log Out and then
> ejected the CD. I am using Hoary and this has never happened to me
> before. Could someone please explain to me what is going on and why this
> should happen?
> Norman 
 The second ""user" is not in the cdrom group, I would suspect.

Check the groups for the second user and compare with the first.

$ groups   <--- useful command to see which groups you are in, funnily 
enough (wow, a "unix" command that makes sense! *grin*)

You should be in something like these 

adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner

$ sudo adduser username groupname

will add a user to group "groupname"

Of course, it might be some other problem, but this is what I would
check first...

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