language mess and XMMS freeze in hoary

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at
Tue Apr 12 12:42:36 UTC 2005

Am Dienstag, den 12.04.2005, 09:41 +0200 schrieb altern:
> hi all
> i just upgraded to Hoary, everything went ok but a couple of things.
> The main language of my ubuntu is set to spanish however now i get part 
> of the system in spanish and part of it in english. How can i set it to 
> spanish totally? I tried to set it on the login screen but nothing changes.
> Also XMMS is not working anymore, it opens up but when i load some mp3s 
> then it freezes. I checked for updates and looks like i have the latest 
> version of xmms. any thoughts about this?
> I think this could be caused because of i was a bit distracted when i 
> was upgrading and it asked me to decide wether i wanted to keep some 
> prefs files or overwrite them, i think i choose not to overwrite in few 
> cases by mistake.
did you follow the upgrade notes (especially doing the five steps of the
post-upgrade part is very important...)

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