Andrew Choens andy.choens at
Tue Apr 12 12:38:32 UTC 2005

On Apr 12, 2005 8:27 AM, Erik Bågfors <zindar at> wrote:
> Is this a joke? Do you want to remove all security for everyone using
> linux? What would be the use of that?
> If you want to give all users full access that's doable with ONE line
> in the sudoers file.  It's also possible to remove that they require
> to put a password whenever they want to do something as root.
> There is no difference here in ubuntu than in any other linux dist.
> Ubuntu uses sudo but that's just a different approach to becomming
> root.  In all else it's the same as any other dist. It's also very
> easy to enable normal root usage.
> /Erik

I could see it as annoying in a large deployment, where you would be
using LDAP to handle a central list of users.  But, in a small
deployment, I think it's easier and faster.

Besides, if the end user doesn't not squat about computers, this is
easier to explain.  For instance, Joe Sixpack wants to install some
new software and doesn't understand why he has to type in his

You respond with a simple "You remember in windows how you got spyware
and other random !@#$% installed on your machine without you knowing
it?  This is a precaution so you know something is being done to
change your computer.  If you think this change is ok, enter your
password to show that you authorize this change.  If it pops up
unexpectedly, don't."

Of course, it probably will never pop up unexpectedly after that.  I
just explained the purpose behind "root" without explaining "root" or
users at all.


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