[Warty] and Evolution - sent mail going to unassigned recipients - Linz

Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski opi at cyb3r.org
Tue Apr 12 12:06:57 UTC 2005

Lindsay napisaƂ(a):

>Is it possible I have a virus or Trojan?
 I would say: no.

>I sent an email to a PC-Helpers list (for Windows users) and a bcc copy
>to a local friend, using Evolution.   A third party received this email
 Possible solutions: the e-mail went to the another person because of 
some server fault. Or someone is on the PC-Helpers mailing lists without 
realising it. If you're using your local Posfix server, go to console, type:

 sudo -s
 <type your password>
 less /var/www/log/mail.log | grep <PC-Helpers-email-addres> | less
 Read it, and see where it go.

>I am about to download Avast anti-virus just in case, but felt I'd get a
>few opinions first.
 Somehow I don't trust closed antivirus software. Your problem sounds 
like server misconfiguration, rather than virus.

 Emil Oppeln-Bronikowski, http://opi.pegasos.pl
 It's a race in the maze..

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