Getting back to desktop

Alfred Vahau alfredv at
Tue Apr 12 00:59:27 UTC 2005

Stephen Ryan wrote:

>On Apr 11, 2005 8:17 PM, Alfred Vahau <alfredv at> wrote:
>>I just logged into the console and I need to get to the desktop.
>>Ctrl+Alt+F7 doesn't work so I gatgher the desktop package is not installed
>>and I need to install it.
>Try just Alt+F7; you only need Ctrl+Alt+F? when you're in X.
Alt+F7 combination does not work. I need to install the necessary
desktop packages and then issue the Alt+F7 which might get me to the 

sudo apt-get install (desktop package name)

My problem, which the package name to be issued.
apt-cache search also has the same problem. Isn't there a wild card or 
expression to be used to seek out the names of packages in the console?


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