fstab and mount question

Christian info at cvjb.de
Mon Apr 11 19:55:47 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez schrieb:
>>In /etc/fstab I have:-
>>/dev/sda4       /mnt/pd         ext2    rw,users,noauto  0       0
>>whenever I boot up /dev/sda4 is always mounted.  Why is that? 
> Well, that's what fstab is for, so all is well.

No, there is a "noauto" in the options.

> If you didn't want to mount this partition at boot, why did you add this
> entry in fstab ??

autofs? mounting per hand? ...

Is this a usb device? Maybe the gnome-volume-manager mounts it in the


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