How do I install Debian packages which are not in the repository

audriusb at audriusb at
Mon Apr 11 05:00:00 UTC 2005

Quoting Rainer Gutkas <Rainer.Gutkas at>:

Download the source package, build a binary and install it:
   # apt-get -b source packagename
   # dpkg -i file.deb
   1) download tarBall from home page, unpack, compile and install it:
          $ tar -xzvf package.tgz
          $ cd package_directory
          $ ./configure
          $ make
          $ sudo make install
    2) use  equivs to trick into APT system.
Read details in

Be patient: you'll meat many problems in both ways.

Gediminas Bukauskas

> Hi there!
> I tried to install xvidcap on my computer. So it isn't in the repository.
> What I tried is adding the source to sources.list ... just gave errors
> with synaptic
> Download the deb and try to teach synaptic to open it, but couldn't
> figure out how this works.
> I know from sarge and kpackage that it works to open debs which are not
> in the archive and install them....
> Any suggestions?
> THX, Rainer

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