Warty -> Hoary not going smoothly

Matt Zimmerman mdz at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 10 23:23:54 UTC 2005

On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 04:15:09PM -0700, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:

> On Apr 10, 2005 3:56 PM, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > Either edit sources.list on the command line and upgrade using the command
> > line, or do both using Synaptic.  Synaptic doesn't expect you to change
> > sources.list "behind its back".  Alternatively, simply clicking the "Reload"
> > button in Synaptic will resolve the issue (as would "sudo apt-get update").
> It wasn't quite "behind its back" -- synaptic was not running at the time.
> Without the editing, "reload" would have left me in Warty.  I'm not completely
> familiar with synaptic yet, so just followed instructions about editing, but I'm
> experienced enough to have the app shut down while I did it.  I didn't edit the
> CD line because I wasn't quite sure the exact disk label to use.

That isn't what I meant.  You edited sources.list, but didn't run "sudo
apt-get update", so the package lists available on the disk did not match
sources.list.  It doesn't matter whether Synaptic was running or not.

> > Any packages which are not on the CD, but have newer versions in the
> > central repository, will be downloaded.
> This doesn't add up.  Hoary was released a couple of days ago, and it's
> uploading 928 packages.  Am I to take it none of them got onto the CD?
> Aside from installing C/Java development tools I don't change much from
> vanilla.

It was only a guess; there are dozens of other explanations for this
behaviour.  Try moving the cdrom entry to the top of sources.list if it
isn't there already.

 - mdz

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