Ubuntu on ICE

baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Sun Apr 10 23:12:51 UTC 2005

John Levin wrote:

> On 10 Apr 2005, at 17:40, Baza wrote:
>> If you go for this I know a number of people who would welcome it. I 
>> work
>> for a group that takes donated computers, mostly PII's with 3 gig HD 
>> 64meg
>> ram, refurbishes them and makes them available for people who could not
>> otherwise afford a computer.
> Which group?
> There was some discussion on the sounder list a month or two back, 
> about the needs of recycled-computer users; some one at computer aid 
> (http://www.computer-aid.org/home.htm) recently wrote to my LUG 
> mailing list, talking about using Ubuntu for the computers they send 
> to Africa etc.
> The needs were:
> The situation is as follows:
> We will not be preinstalling the CD.
> The computer hardware is x86 old stuff min spec: 64MB P2
> The computer hardware is very variable.
> Users may not have massive amounts of experience using computers.
> Installation to disk is highly desirable for obvious reasons.
> Users may not have Internet Access.
> These will be mainly desktop users, office applications, web, email, 
> etc, are required.
> Microsoft Word compatibility is desirable.
> Once we've decided we'll be stuck with the choice for a while as we'll 
> be getting thousands of CDs burnt.
> Ubuntu-lite could easily satisfy these requirements; but ubuntu-as-is 
> is just too heavy.
> Strip out OpenOffice, Gnome and Evolution, replace them with Abiword, 
> IceWM/Fluxbox/Xfce and Thunderbird, and we're half way there.
> John
The group is called, 'PC's4U' and is based on the 3Estates in Birmingham 
(UK). This is part of the New Deal for Communities program.

Those specs are the same as we have to deal with / need for the 
computers we supply.


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