Warty -> Hoary not going smoothly

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 22:18:31 UTC 2005

I saw a thread that indicated all I needed to do was to change
"warty" to "hoary" in my /etc/apt/sources.list and to use synaptic
to add the Hoary Install CD.  I did that.

When I started synaptic, it gave me 5 error message dialogs of
the form
archive.ubuntu.com/hoary/main Pachages /var/lib/apt/lists
arcive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hoary_main_binary_i386_Packages stat 2
(file not found)

It did this for restricted, universe, security-main and
security-restricted, then
repeated the same 5 again.  Then it seemed to be running.  I
added the CDROM, clicked reload, markupdates and apply.
It's now busily dowloading, in spite of the CDROM being in the
drive.  It's not using it at all as near as I can tell.

Is this hopelessly broken?  Is this normal?  It sure doesn't
seem right.

No harm done, really, either way, because I'm home sick anyway
and this is all happening in a spare partition, so my original warty
is going to survive.

++ kevin

Go back to the top: I almost always top-post
Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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