Question mark (?) in file name..

Senectus . senectus at
Sun Apr 10 19:21:33 UTC 2005

On Apr 10, 2005 10:05 PM, Larry Grover <lgrover at> wrote:
> Senectus . wrote:
> > Just had a very strange thing where I couldn't copy or move a file
> > from Ubuntu to a usb key because it had a question mark in the file
> > name..
> > I could copy locally but not onto the key.. why would that be?
> Most (all?) usb keys come formated in fat32.  "?" is an illegal
> character in a fat32 filename, so unless you've reformatted the usb
> key to a different filesystem, this is probably your problem.
> There are several other characters which are legal in ext2/3 but
> illegal in fat32 and ntfs (the common windows filesystems).  You can
> find all the details if you do a google search on "fat32 illegal
> character".

Yeah that would explain it... thanks.

Ubuntu Hoary 5.04 
"The thing Ubuntu means to me is, I'm glad I didn't get a Debian
Tattoo..." - Matthew Lambie

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